Thursday, February 9, 2012

My daily grind

borrowed from my friend's fb page
Here's my typical weekday schedule as a Corporate Housewife Mom

Midnight: Chat with DH, tweet, read bb (work mail) while pumping (milk), midnight snack.
12:30am: Sleep.
3am: Baby S wakes up to feed 15mins on one side
3:15am: Pump on the other side, read tweets
5am: On good days, still snoring. Otherwise, toddler roused from sleep, wanting to be carried.
6:30am: Baby S wakes up to feed - transfers to big bed (for the last precious hour of sleep)
7:15am: Alarm. Check bb for the day's schedule. Get ready for work.
7:45am: Pump for S's first bottle feed of the day. Make sure enough milk for the day for S. Pack pump and other materials to bring to work.
8:00am: Toddler wakes up, wants to cuddle. Quiet time with the toddler.
8:30am: Running out the door, giving toddler and baby to yayas. Last minute instructions. Goodbye to DH. Kisses all around.
9am: Get into work.
Fun and games.
12:30pm: Pump. Lunch. Read.
More fun and games.
Between 3 and 4pm: 2nd pump of the day.
And more... it just keeps getting better.
Between 6 and 7pm: 3rd pump of the day.
Wrap up the day.
Between 7 and 7:30pm: Running out of the office, late again for dinner.
8pm: Home. Dinner. DH. Get ready for the night shift.
9pm: Family bonding time.
10pm: Some music, some milk, S's bedtime. 
10:30pm: A couple of books, several songs, a prayer, sometimes an argument, toddler K's bedtime. Between 10:30pm and 11:30pm: light sleep with K.
Before midnight: Catching up with DH...

.... and then it's midnight again. What is your schedule like?


  1. It's funny how mom's schedules look so daunting!! Here's our Summer Sched: (and it's funny how our schedule stars in the middle of the night!)

    3am: Baby N wakes up to feed (for 30mins) while I watch an episode loaded on the Kindle or iPhone
    3:30: I sit by her crib for 20-30min until she falls into deep sleep

    4ish: M wakes up and moves into our bed
    6ish: J (husband) wakes up and moves about

    7am: M wakes up
    730am: N wakes up
    (J takes them down for breakfast while I catch some more Zs)

    8am: Breakfast then BF N
    9am: Pump
    915: Bath for N, Put N down for 1st nap
    Stay beside N's crib until she falls into deep sleep

    1030am: Catch up on emails, blog, Twitter, FB
    1115: N wakes up, eat lunch (sometimes we prepare to go to Lola's house on certain days)
    12nn: Breastfeed N, Lunch for M

    1230: Lunch for me
    130: Nap for N and M
    315: N and M wake up (around the same time. Sometimes I make N wake up M)

    Play around, breastfeed, snacks, catch up on work...

    530: Last catnap for N
    630: Dinner, Chat with J

    7pm: Bath time for N, Breastfeed, Bedtime (this lasts for about 2-3 hours!)
    8pm: Bath time for M, Milk, Bedtime with her dad

    10pm: Pump
    11pm: Sleep

    Obviously my life revolves around N and a little around M!! I don't know how I am able to get any work done.

    Before N was sleeping 8-10 hours at night na but since she's turned 6 months, she's been waking up 2x a night. Maybe it's hunger? She actually eats so much solids now. Next week, we're starting theater classes for M so J will be busy bringing her. :)

    1. Hi Kris! i know - that 3am thing is not only the witching hour - must be the milking hour too. S has recently been more fidgety in the evenings too. She has transferred to the big bed officially since March. I'm interested in theater classes for K too! I'll check again next year - she's too young for this year. Enjoy the summer!
